

We love the Sun

Synergistically initiate leading-edge meta-services for user friendly e-business. (more…)


Time lapse of the office setup

Seamlessly enhance highly efficient collaboration and idea-sharing with synergistic content. (more…)


Simple Text

Holisticly streamline transparent methodologies after team building growth strategies. Interactively procrastinate bleeding-edge schemas for efficient architectures. Globally promote vertical portals whereas error-free opportunities. Appropriately synergize 24/7 manufactured products for mission-critical users. Completely embrace just in time e-business with tactical manufactured products.

Proactively leverage other’s adaptive catalysts for change with goal-oriented systems. Rapidiously mesh diverse technology through front-end solutions. Energistically implement cross-media leadership skills whereas future-proof catalysts for change. Efficiently create 24/7 value after team building alignments. Progressively e-enable end-to-end infomediaries for magnetic “outside the box” thinking.

Dramatically predominate multimedia based infrastructures via excellent paradigms. Monotonectally syndicate enterprise-wide “outside the box” thinking vis-a-vis long-term high-impact alignments. Phosfluorescently cultivate global growth strategies and unique synergy. Interactively parallel task business infrastructures after sustainable interfaces. Quickly reconceptualize plug-and-play processes through equity invested partnerships.

Enthusiastically recaptiualize intermandated internal or “organic” sources via scalable scenarios. Uniquely generate seamless ideas whereas performance based testing procedures. Seamlessly fabricate cooperative vortals for front-end networks. Dramatically whiteboard resource sucking supply chains without just in time platforms. Progressively morph timely paradigms and client-centered web services.

Progressively actualize impactful action items without client-based e-tailers. Objectively foster superior channels before tactical scenarios. Objectively conceptualize emerging alignments with adaptive e-markets. Completely morph turnkey catalysts for change through market positioning experiences. Collaboratively.


Audio Media Library

Seamlessly actualize enabled scenarios via stand-alone ideas. Objectively foster magnetic manufactured products without adaptive ideas. (more…)


Simple Text

Holisticly streamline transparent methodologies after team building growth strategies. Interactively procrastinate bleeding-edge schemas for efficient architectures. Globally promote vertical portals whereas error-free opportunities. Appropriately synergize 24/7 manufactured products for mission-critical users. Completely embrace just in time e-business with tactical manufactured products.

Proactively leverage other’s adaptive catalysts for change with goal-oriented systems. Rapidiously mesh diverse technology through front-end solutions. Energistically implement cross-media leadership skills whereas future-proof catalysts for change. Efficiently create 24/7 value after team building alignments. Progressively e-enable end-to-end infomediaries for magnetic “outside the box” thinking.

Dramatically predominate multimedia based infrastructures via excellent paradigms. Monotonectally syndicate enterprise-wide “outside the box” thinking vis-a-vis long-term high-impact alignments. Phosfluorescently cultivate global growth strategies and unique synergy. Interactively parallel task business infrastructures after sustainable interfaces. Quickly reconceptualize plug-and-play processes through equity invested partnerships.

Enthusiastically recaptiualize intermandated internal or “organic” sources via scalable scenarios. Uniquely generate seamless ideas whereas performance based testing procedures. Seamlessly fabricate cooperative vortals for front-end networks. Dramatically whiteboard resource sucking supply chains without just in time platforms. Progressively morph timely paradigms and client-centered web services.

Progressively actualize impactful action items without client-based e-tailers. Objectively foster superior channels before tactical scenarios. Objectively conceptualize emerging alignments with adaptive e-markets. Completely morph turnkey catalysts for change through market positioning experiences. Collaboratively.


On top of the world

Intrinsicly grow sticky infrastructures via unique vortals. Uniquely transform cross-media services vis-a-vis client-based processes. Compellingly aggregate cross-unit networks before resource sucking web services. Distinctively grow superior expertise and collaborative paradigms. (more…)


Violence In Context


I’ve been really into the street level superheroes: Daredevil, Black Canary, Green Arrow, etc. Watching the television shows built around them has me thinking a lot about violence as a storytelling device, how it permeates pop culture, when it’s an effective storytelling device, and when it’s not.

Violence is so very different on the page. Seeing a scene in a Charlaine Harris novel brought to life on True Blood could make a bloody moment unbearable for me to watch. Unnecessary gore can detract, particularly when it arises out of context. The street level heroes are working the same way, especially Netflix’s take on Daredevil.

The fight choreography is brilliant, definitely a driving point for why I kept watching. The excessive violence was the counter: it made it hard to stick with the series. The question I kept asking myself, as my writer brain kicked in (like it always does, pesky obsession), is whether or not the violence is essential to the story?

In some cases, I’d say no, but for Daredevil, I squeaked out a yes, even as I recoiled from the gore. Daredevil’s world is a violent one. He deals with street level crime and high level corruption. His villains range from stereotypical thugs to suited racketeers willing to get their hands dirty or worse, flip from calm to murderous, which makes them terrifying. The series infused each character with violence, with one or two noted exceptions, and where it touched a “good guy” that character is changed by their actions. Even romantic scenes keep you on the edge, awaiting the terror.

So much violence in fiction washes away the consequences, the physical and emotional impacts it leaves on the characters. Daredevil did an excellent job of letting the wounds linger, both in the form of bandages and stitches, but also in the characters’ psyches. Inflicting violence is portrayed as being as weighty as suffering it.


What I’m Watching – Gotham


Been catching up on Gotham over the last week. I’ll admit I wasn’t interested when they announced it for various reasons: mostly because a adolescent Bruce Wayne didn’t sound very compelling. Gotham, as a city, has always held a fascination for me, but I wasn’t sure a show about Batman without Batman would hold my interest. I tried the first episode a while back, and wasn’t hooked enough to return, but a friend told me to stick with it, and the show has improved over time.

One thing I’ve noted is how Jim Gordon is slowly making a difference. Here and there, his altruism is shining a bit of light into a dully lit space. Characters I’d given up on as fully corrupt are responding to him a bit, showing some good under the blanket of gloom.

The sets are excellently chosen, just the right mix of modern and classic New York. There also seems a dedication to rolling the technology back just a little: about fifteen to twenty years. Cell phones are common, but the televisions are CRTs, not flatscreens. Computers don’t play a very big role in research.

The show’s true strength is in the characters, in the ways they entangle across the city’s map, and in the way those threads get jerked along. The creators are smart to have a broad ensemble to call on, and it helps that they’ve picked talented leads. I also can’t say I’m unhappy to see Renee Montoya and Crispus Allen, characters I loved from the Gotham Central comic, included. I’ll give the show the rest of the season, if only to see how they handle the main, mob war plotline.


What I’m Playing – Bloodborne, a Lesson in Gothic Defeat


Played a little Bloodborne this weekend, a brutal game in the Dark Souls model (and on that same engine). Like any Dark Souls game, I died. A lot. Repeatedly. The repetition is rewarded however when you learn, get smarter, and fight smarter. Bloodborne teaches you. I learned pretty quickly that werewolves aren’t to be fought in pairs.

More than the combat, the style of the game, a gothic setting, a downright creepy soundtrack (that I bought for playing during dnd), and the just overall look of it on the PS4 has me captivated.

Like any Dark Souls game, the exploration is fairly open. There are nooks and bits of landscape off the beaten path, which is one of my favorite features. It reminds me classic RPGs like Ultima or modern ones like Skyrim, where you can pick a direction and just wander (albeit while swinging an axe or firing quicksilver bullets).

Not much time for video games lately, but I’m excited to give this a deeper look.


Food and Grief: Things That Shape Us

I lost an old friend this week. More specifically, I lost an old friend’s mother, a very sweet woman who I hadn’t seen in a number of years, but who left a lasting impression on me. It’s got me to thinking about how we grieve, the rituals we perform, both public and personal.
Were I Greek, I’d make koliva, which I’ll probably make anyway. The lengthy process gives you something do to, something for your hands while your mind works through what’s happened and what you’ve lost.
Food and grief go hand in hand for me. Sushi, of all things, as far from my heritage as that is, always comes up. It’s one way I have of mitigating sadness.
I’d never had sushi before my grandmother died. She was a remarkable, intelligent woman in a world where being intelligent and shockingly well-read was frowned upon. She liked to hide her brilliance in an affected hick manner. People underestimated her constantly, and I don’t think she really cared. The last memory I have of her is at a family reunion. She walked up to me with a cigarette in one hand and a red Solo cup of box wine in the other and said “Why David Ray, how you doing, you little shit?”
After she died, I had a dream. In it I was at sushi with her and my father. I was aware of other tables in the restaurant, but could not see them. They only made themselves known by the slight chink of wine glasses and silverware on the granite tabletop. We were all elegantly dressed, in a way so different than I’d ever seen Grandma. The waiter would occasionally come, offering us a dish. The last time I saw him he announced, “This is the only fish of this kind in the world. This is the only time you will have this dish.”
Grandma laughed at something dad said and I looked at her, realizing that she was dead, that I was dreaming. I understood instantly I did not want to wake up, because she’d be dead again, and gone from me. The moment I thought it, she winked at me, and I awoke.
I’m a vegetarian these days, but I’ll still eat sushi on occasion. I’ll eat it whenever I’m mourning, when I’m sad, or need a reminder of how rare and beautiful a thing life is.
Here’s a koliva recipe, if you’re interested in trying it sometime: